5 Ways AnChain.AI Is Transforming Smart Contract Auditing & Security

4 min readFeb 28, 2019


AnChain.AI | AI-Powered Smart Contract Auditing Sandbox

The blockchain ecosystem is growing each and every day. In such a fast-moving, dynamic environment security must always be a priority. AnChain.AI stands by its three eternal themes: Code, Infrastructure, and Transaction security. These three themes are what defines AnChain.AI products.

Here are five ways AnChain.AI is transforming smart contract auditing & security:

1. Smart Contracts are automatically scanned via the Contract Auditing Sandbox (CAS) providing instant feedback

Inspired by malware sandboxes developed by leading cybersecurity companies such as, FireEye, PANW, etc, we have built the world’s first smart contract auditing sandbox to fix the often manually-intensive, static nature of blockchain smart contract audits.

AnChain.AI is shaping the blockchain security industry, one smart contract at a time. Our sandbox can quickly scan the entire contract for known vulnerabilities and threats, and then provide feedback and solutions to resolve these vulnerabilities prior to deployment.

Currently, our contract auditing sandbox is in beta mode and we are offering it free to solo developers. Why pay thousands dollars and wait several days or weeks for a manual audit when you can get so much more from AnChain.AI?

Why is the AnChain.AI Contract Auditing Sandbox (CAS) unique?

2. An interactive heatmap via CAS— A transformative way to view how your smart contracts stack up against others.

When you scan your smart contracts with our sandbox, an interactive heatmap places your smart contract amongst over 50,000 ETH smart contracts.

3. Precise recommendations are shown to fix all known vulnerabilities and threats via CAS.

For each vulnerability or threat, specific and concise recommendations are listed on the right hand side to easily fix your code errors.

Above the recommendations, the known vulnerabilities are listed. On the left hand side, the vulnerabilities are highlighted in yellow so that the errors are highlighted. The sandbox also lets developers click directly on each vulnerability and threat on the left hand side to quickly access the highlighted code.

There is no other tool in the world that provides the accuracy and beautiful UI AnChain.AI’s sandbox currently provides. We encourage you to try it out for yourself today!

4. AnChain.AI’s Situational Awareness Platform (SAP) targets exchanges, protocols, and dapps to view analytical statistics of their platforms.

Hacker Group BAPT-LW20 Identified Using AnChain.AI SAP

In a world full of data, AnChain.AI’s SAP is able to bring hidden data insight to the surface. The SAP proactively protects crypto assets by providing proprietary artificial intelligence, knowledge graph and threat intel to secure blockchain transactions for protocols, dapps, exchanges, and wallets.

Partnering with Graphistry, AnChain.AI was able to detect the hacker group, BAPT-LW20, on one of the world’s most popular DApps, FOMO3D. Using the SAP, we were able to pinpoint exactly how they hacked into a specific smart contract and steal over $4M, explained here.

AnChain.AI is now partnering with world-leading DApps to secure their ecosystem, and we’re very proud to be a world leader in this space.

5. AnChain.AI is connecting with communities around the world to bring a solution for all.

From Crypto Gamer Community to TokenInsight and beyond, AnChain.AI is providing real-world value across the globe. AnChain.AI is and will be actively engaged with the world’s top Ethereum, EOS, and TRON DApps as their preferred security partner. The Bitrue Exchange and their community has also been keen on utilizing our solutions to secure their ecosystem, one token at a time. Just recently, TokenInsight audited hundreds of DApps using AnChain.AI’s CAS and displayed their contract security score, as seen on their blog.

In the future, AnChain.AI hopes to bring value to those that are indie developers. In a world full of eager learners and buggy code, AnChain.AI is keen on figuring out ways to engage and bring aboard more indie developers in ways other companies are currently not thinking about.

How Do I Sign Up For Either Products?

Click here to register for the Contract Auditing Sandbox

Click here to contact us about the Situational Awareness Platform

About AnChain.AI

A blockchain data analytics firm providing intelligence, indicators, and investigative resources for clients to enhance their security, risk, and compliance strategies.

Feel free to reach out to us directly at: info@anchain.ai

With extensive experience in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data AnChain is continuously securing top-tier crypto exchanges, protocols, investors, custodians, and enterprise with our Blockchain Ecosystem Intelligence.




Blockchain data analytics firm providing security, risk, and compliance solutions.